17 tháng 3, 2009

"eppur si mouve" (*)

122 magnify

(*) "And yet it moves".

There remains a tendency to claim that the church, as it was once said of the earth, cannot move. To this the legendary words ascribed to Galileo remain appropriate. In making his abjuration, he is said to have whispered under his breath, “Nevertheless, it moves.” — Robert Ellsberg, All Saints (1999).

Xưa vậy, có phải vậy không ? Nay, vầy là vầy lặng lẽ ...

Có nụ hồng ngày xưa rớt lại
bên cạnh đời tôi đây.
Có chút tình thoảng như gió vội
tôi chợt nhìn ra tôi.

"tôi ơi đừng tuyệt vọng" Trịnh công Sơn


Friday October 17, 2008 - 01:12am

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